Locks Gallery, 2001
Excerpt, Press Release for “Moving/Still”
Previously, Neff’s photographs turned into actual objects, combining furniture or picture frames with landscapes or interiors. In these new works, the complex structures of the installation are embodied in the individual photographs. Working from a conceptual impulse to trigger memory or reflection, Neff’s landscapes pose questions about perception. The seemingly natural landscapes are in fact constructions that allow Neff to question what is seen versus what is imagined. In this group of works, generated from her train photographs, movement and time seem to exist in different states within the same landscape.

Installation view, "Moving/Still"

Installation view, Spring Seen
Photomural print, 144 x 204 inches

Newton’s Field
C-print mounted on aluminum, 44 x 64 ½ inches

Here, After
C-print mounted on aluminum, 29 x 86 ½ inches

Almost (November 21, 2000)
Inkjet print, 56 x 41 inches

Almost #3
Inkjet print, 56 x 41 inches

C-print mounted on aluminum, 29 ¼ x44 ½ inches

This and That
C-print mounted on aluminum, 40 x 49 inches

Evening Comes
C-print mounted on aluminum, 40 x 110 ¾ inches

Night Falls
C-print mounted on aluminum, 40 x 110 ¾ inches

C-print mounted on aluminum, 12 x 14 inches

C-print mounted on aluminum, 14 x 14 inches